Language Solutions provide skills training and language training for a global client in the financial services sector. For language training services, we provide qualified mother-tongue tutors in five different languages.
Client benefits
Group training options allow employees from different global offices to build relationships across diverse areas of the business. Virtual delivery means the client can enjoy cost saving benefits across wide geographical areas. In addition, language training is a tool that the client can use to integrate new employees into the company.
Client request
When recruiting new employees, the client has to deal with significant technical requirements for many roles. There is a narrow pool of talent with sufficient hard skills (mathematical and programming knowledge). The client needs to integrate these employees into global teams communicating in English. One specific request that came to Language Solutions was to upskill the communicative ability of a group of employees from the client’s Vietnam office.
Phase 1: Business Communication Skills
Language Solutions worked with the Training Managers at the client to develop a fully-tailored business communication skills training course. Requirements were to provide clear best practice guidelines for each communication channel used within the organization. Role-play activities were developed based on the participants’ areas of expertise.
High-value employees
Language Solutions proposed innovative solutions to compress the training material into the shortest possible contact time. Participants have demanding jobs; interactive learning material was delivered in 60-minute intensive small group sessions. Pre-learning activities, follow up tasks and 30-minute individual consultation sessions were used to ensure the training was as effective as possible.
Analysis and follow ups
Language Solutions trainers provided recommendations for further development for selected participants from phase 1. We proposed a series of costed training alternatives and advised on the effectiveness of each proposed solution.
Phase 2: Accent reduction training
Training managers at the client chose the option of a tailored accent reduction training course to further develop a selected group of employees. Language Solutions provided a specialist tutor to develop interactive activities. The objective of the training was further refined in negotiation with the participants to improve the clarity of the participants’ spoken English in meetings with colleagues from other geographical locations.
Client and participant feedback
Training managers at the client appreciate the close working relationship with Language Solutions and the support provided to ensure the best fit for their employees. Participant feedback shows a clear development in communicative ability. The development of this skill provides significant opportunities for career development for the participants including opportunities for assignments in other global offices within the organization.
info@langsols.hu | +36 1 210 3823